Meet the team behind ICARIA

Meet the team: Rita Brito
December 16, 2024

Meet the team: Mattia Leone
October 17, 2024
Our 3 Communities of Practice
A Community of Practices (CoP) is a group of stakeholders who share a common interest or concern for a specific activity, practice, etc. and engage in regular interactions to share and enhance their skills and knowledge in that domain. In ICARIA, CoPs will bring together scientific experts from academia and technological research centres, relevant local/regional/national stakeholders from industry and administration, decision-makers and citizens to enhance the comprehension of climate change-related risks and their management by developing climate resilience strategies that bring long-term environmental, social and economic co-benefits.
The ICARIA project is open to collaboration and exchange of good practices with other projects, in order to create synergies and share results. If you are interested in learning more about our project, exchanging information or participating in activities with ICARIA, please contact us!
The list of European projects with which ICARIA has already activated contacts and undertaken networking actions can be found below: