Find our deliverables, scientific publications and dissemination materials here

Project Deliverables

D1.1 ICARIA holistic modelling framework (DRAFT)

The ICARIA holistic modelling framework, outlined in Deliverable 1.1, defines the procedure to achieve a comprehensive risk/impact assessment across different climate-related hazard categories, also covering complex interactions characterised by compound events and cascading effects, in the context of climate change.

D1.2 Climate projections and hazard scenarios (DRAFT)

This document outlines the work performed and results in T1.2 for the three case studies, namely the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, the Salzburg Region, and the South Aegean Region.

D1.3 Impact modelling data requirements and methods to treat gap filling and data uncertainty (DRAFT)

This document presents ICARIA’s approach to identify and approach data gaps in climate resilience projects and to keep in line with the latest advances in data-driven and AI methodologies as applied in climate-related projects.

D2.1 Holistic modeling framework for multi-hazard events (DRAFT)

Deliverable 2.1 of project ICARIA is the main outcome of Task 2.1 (Hazards dynamics and multi-hazards interconnectivities analysis). Its main objective is to provide a conceptual and methodological basis of hazard risk assessment for later developments of multi-hazard risk assessments

D2.2 Multi-hazard scenario building methods (DRAFT)

This detail outlines details relating to mathematical approaches and models that can be applied for quantifying the joint probabilities of compound multi-hazard events.

D2.3 ICARIA multi-hazards modelling tools and application guidelines (DRAFT)

This document defines and generalises an adaptable framework to be adopted within the project for the setup and simulation of a variety of compound hazard events.

D3.2 Holistic resilience methods (DRAFT)

The present Deliverable 3.2 of project ICARIA is the main outcome of Task 3.2 (Holistic resilience methods). Its main objective is to provide a method for the holistic resilience assessment and the resilience assessment of critical assets and entities, comprising a detailed assessment for several urban services and a focused assessment for critical infrastructure.

D3.3 Portfolio of adaptation solutions (DRAFT)

This deliverable presents the process and methods used for the development of the ICARIA adaptation strategies platform. The web-based tool offers public access to a compendium of measures to achieve a climate adaptation of territories at different scales.

D3.6 WP3 testing results (DRAFT)

Deliverable 3.6 presents the results obtained from a total of six tests developed within the scope of WP3. The aim of such activities was to test and validate several developments done in previous tasks of this WP by doing a preliminary implementation to one of the project case studies.

D4.1 Trial design (DRAFT)

Deliverable 4.1. presents the trial design for the trials performed in each ICARIA case study region. The ICARIA approach for validating the innovative potential of the ICARIA solutions, is based on the Trial Guidance Methodology, developed in the DRIVER+ project and has been adapted to project’s purposes.

D5.1 – Dissemination and Communication Plan (DRAFT)

Definition of the dissemination plan, presenting the results to be disseminated, the target groups and channels to get to them.

D5.4 – Stakeholders Engagement Plan (DRAFT)

Report on the planned organization of the case studies CoPs and the local workshops.

D6.1 – Project Management Manual (DRAFT)

The report includes the consortium bodies and their roles; summary of financial guidelines; reporting procedures and templates; partner contacts; templates, guidelines and reviewers of deliverables; etc.

D6.2 – Implementation Plan and Risk Contingency Plan (DRAFT)

First version of the reporting on the implementation plan, and potential risks during the execution of the project and related recovery actions. This first version includes the framework for monitoring the achievement of project results / objectives, which will be used also to help to mitigate the identified and the new critical risks.

D6.3 – Implementation Plan and Risk Contingency Plan (DRAFT)

Updated version of the reporting on the implementation plan, and potential risks during the execution of the project and related recovery actions.

D6.4 Implementation Plan and Risk Contingency Plan (DRAFT)

This document indicates how the work of the project has been divided and organized as well as the way to evaluate if the project objectives are reached according to the schedule and within the budget. The second part includes risk mitigation measures and a contingency plan for each case.

D6.6 – Innovation Management Plan (DRAFT)

This plan will include at an initial stage a precise and schematic description of the relevant tools and results established in previous projects (i.e. RESCCUE, CLARITY, etc.) and how the ICARIA project will make use of them and will innovate with respect to them.

D6.8 – Data Management Plan (DRAFT)

Initial version will focus on data management strategy, including naming and metadata guidelines.

D7.2 Requirement No. 2 (DRAFT)

Deliverable 7.2 is focused on reporting potential ethical issues that have arisen during the first 18 months of project ICARIA. For each case, specific measures have been adopted to ensure the highest ethical and safety standards.

Scientific publications

Quantifying the Long-Term Performance of Rainwater Harvesting in Cyclades, Greece

Improving Climate Resilience of Critical Assets: The ICARIA Project

HISDAC-ES: historical settlement data compilation for Spain (1900–2020)

A Holistic Asset-Level Modelling Framework for a Comprehensive Multi-Hazard Impact Assessment: Insights from the ICARIA Project

Bayesian Network Approach for Assessing Probability of Multi- Hazard Climate Driven Events

Bayesian Network Approach for Assessing Probability of Multi- Hazard Climate Driven Events

An approach to modeling interactions between extreme weather events during multi-hazard events

Local climate change impacts – new insights for mountain regions of Salzburg based on high resolution

Dissemination materials


The official logotype of the ICARIA project.


Roll-up of the ICARIA project

Informative Leaflet

The informative leaflet summarises the essence of the project: context, main goals, case studies and expected results.


The ICARIA poster summarizes the project’s objectives, methodology and expected results.

Promotional video

The first video of ICARIA disseminates the context and the project’s main objectives and expected results.

Videocall background

The ICARIA videocall background can be used in any online meetings platform.

Case studies – Infographic

The ICARIA infographic summarizes the project’s case studies.

Case studies in detail – Infographics

The ICARIA infographics explain the case studies in more detail.

Methodology – Infographic

The ICARIA infographic summarizes the project’s methodology.