UNEXE team shares the ICARIA approach with the Environment Agency
The Centre for Water Systems (CWS) at the University of Exeter and the Environment Agency (EA) co-organised a joint research exchange workshop at the Streatham Campus on 25 September 2024. Over 30 participants from both institutions attended, sharing updates on ongoing research activities and needs.
Prof Albert Chen chaired the workshop and Dr Jess Penny presented the ICARIA project to the audience and discussed multi-hazard modelling and impact assessment. During the event, other EU-funded projects were highlighted, such as RECONECT, NATALIE, ARSINOE, WATERVERSE, WATERLINE, IDEATION, ENFORCE, and GeoRes. These projects encompass work on nature-based solutions (NbS), massive open online courses (MOOCs), multi-hazard modelling, cascading failure analysis, data visualisation and user interaction, virtual reality (VR) applications, remote sensing, stormwater scenario screening, and groundwater modelling.
The event included a tour of the water education and research facilities in the Harrison Building, where experiments in the hydraulic flumes — such as flow dynamics around hydraulic structures, riverbed scouring, debris impact on masonry bridges, and wave energy harvesting — were explained and demonstrated.

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